PortugalPostcode Query

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City: Serpa

This is the list of Serpa, click title to browse detail information.

Rua Padre Medeiros, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-365

Title :Rua Padre Medeiros, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Padre Medeiros
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-365

Read more about Rua Padre Medeiros

Rua dos Quintais, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-366

Title :Rua dos Quintais, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua dos Quintais
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-366

Read more about Rua dos Quintais

Largo Prior Belas, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-367

Title :Largo Prior Belas, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Largo Prior Belas
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-367

Read more about Largo Prior Belas

Rua Quartéis, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-368

Title :Rua Quartéis, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Quartéis
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-368

Read more about Rua Quartéis

Rua Quente, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-369

Title :Rua Quente, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Quente
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-369

Read more about Rua Quente

Rua Doutor Ramon Norato Lá Féria, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-370

Title :Rua Doutor Ramon Norato Lá Féria, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Doutor Ramon Norato Lá Féria
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-370

Read more about Rua Doutor Ramon Norato Lá Féria

Rua A. M. Peixoto, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-371

Title :Rua A. M. Peixoto, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua A. M. Peixoto
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-371

Read more about Rua A. M. Peixoto

Largo 25 de Abril, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-371

Title :Largo 25 de Abril, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Largo 25 de Abril
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-371

Read more about Largo 25 de Abril

Rua Vice Almirante António Ladislau Parreira da Rocha, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-372

Title :Rua Vice Almirante António Ladislau Parreira da Rocha, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Vice Almirante António Ladislau Parreira da Rocha
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-372

Read more about Rua Vice Almirante António Ladislau Parreira da Rocha

Rua Capitão Salgueiro Maia, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-373

Title :Rua Capitão Salgueiro Maia, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Capitão Salgueiro Maia
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-373

Read more about Rua Capitão Salgueiro Maia

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