PortugalPostcode Query

Portugal: Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | City

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City: Serpa

This is the list of Serpa, click title to browse detail information.

Travessa 1º de Maio, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-444

Title :Travessa 1º de Maio, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Travessa 1º de Maio
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-444

Read more about Travessa 1º de Maio

Travessa do Serra, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-445

Title :Travessa do Serra, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Travessa do Serra
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-445

Read more about Travessa do Serra

Travessa Oleiros, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-446

Title :Travessa Oleiros, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Travessa Oleiros
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-446

Read more about Travessa Oleiros

Travessa do Caneiro, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-448

Title :Travessa do Caneiro, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Travessa do Caneiro
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-448

Read more about Travessa do Caneiro

Rua Manuel Lampreia, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-449

Title :Rua Manuel Lampreia, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Manuel Lampreia
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-449

Read more about Rua Manuel Lampreia

Rua Frei Bento, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-450

Title :Rua Frei Bento, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Frei Bento
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-450

Read more about Rua Frei Bento

Largo Condes de Ficalho, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-451

Title :Largo Condes de Ficalho, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Largo Condes de Ficalho
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-451

Read more about Largo Condes de Ficalho

Portela da Baleizoa, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-452

Title :Portela da Baleizoa, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Portela da Baleizoa
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-452

Read more about Portela da Baleizoa

Travessa do Lástima, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-453

Title :Travessa do Lástima, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Travessa do Lástima
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-453

Read more about Travessa do Lástima

Travessa de São Paulo, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal: 7830-454

Title :Travessa de São Paulo, Serpa, Serpa, Beja, Portugal
Area 2 :Travessa de São Paulo
City :Serpa
Region 3 :Serpa
Region 2 :Beja
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7830-454

Read more about Travessa de São Paulo

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