PortugalPostcode Query

Portugal: Region 1 | Region 2 | Region 3 | City

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City: Portel

This is the list of Portel, click title to browse detail information.

Rua do Grupo Coral de Cantares Regionais de Portel, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-407

Title :Rua do Grupo Coral de Cantares Regionais de Portel, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua do Grupo Coral de Cantares Regionais de Portel
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-407

Read more about Rua do Grupo Coral de Cantares Regionais de Portel

Rua do Moínho, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-408

Title :Rua do Moínho, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua do Moínho
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-408

Read more about Rua do Moínho

Rua do Outeiro, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-409

Title :Rua do Outeiro, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua do Outeiro
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-409

Read more about Rua do Outeiro

Largo José António Pombinho Junior, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-409

Title :Largo José António Pombinho Junior, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Largo José António Pombinho Junior
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-409

Read more about Largo José António Pombinho Junior

Rua do Outeiro de Beja, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-410

Title :Rua do Outeiro de Beja, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua do Outeiro de Beja
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-410

Read more about Rua do Outeiro de Beja

Rua do Vale, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-411

Title :Rua do Vale, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua do Vale
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-411

Read more about Rua do Vale

Rua Dom João Peres Aboim, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-412

Title :Rua Dom João Peres Aboim, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua Dom João Peres Aboim
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-412

Read more about Rua Dom João Peres Aboim

Estrada do Forte, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-413

Title :Estrada do Forte, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Estrada do Forte
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-413

Read more about Estrada do Forte

Rua dos Arcos, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-413

Title :Rua dos Arcos, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua dos Arcos
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-413

Read more about Rua dos Arcos

Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal: 7220-414

Title :Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra, Portel, Portel, Évora, Portugal
Area 2 :Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra
City :Portel
Region 3 :Portel
Region 2 :Évora
Region 1 :Portugal
Country :Portugal
Postcode (ZIP) :7220-414

Read more about Rua dos Combatentes da Grande Guerra

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